Friday, January 20


I heard the most beautiful laugh today. I was walking down the stairwell in my dorm. A hearty gaffaw billowed through the staircase. It was more than gutteral, it was thick and full of energy. I didn't want it to end. I looked to see who was sending out sounds of such joy, and it was just a girl. Tall girl, I've seen her around. But her laugh...oh my...her laugh. It made me think of beauty. As I continued on my way, my destination became fuzzy and all I could think about was Jesus. I know, strange twist. Why would a laugh send me pondering my Savior? I wondered what his laugh sounded like. I know he laughed...he must have. He hung out with Peter. I even laugh at Peter. But, what did it sound like when Jesus was joyful? Was his a belly laugh? A wheeze? The laugh that never ends? A hissy, leaky-baloon laugh? The silent laugh? What did his eyes look like when he laughed? Did he ever have that 'I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard' feeling? Now I can only think of seeing His face. I want to see the face of purest joy, and feel the purest joy, together with the Creator of the universe. Come, Lord Jesus. Let's laugh together, forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or the goose honk laugh, oh gosh- there is the machine gun outbursts. I'm sure whatever it sounded like it was contagious. But not like, getting a chuckle, a head turn or a smile from those that hear it. Oh no, pure joy fills and pours out from Him and His laugh. Can you imagine the sound of all the laughter joining Him? Mine sounds a little more like a sudden "paaaah" and a throaty gasp. And it is a sweet sweet sound to His ears.